You're Invited to Vote: Yale Alumni Fellow Election - https://t.co/7TOaxRKScI https://t.co/1U1yZPXOAm
Event Reminder: Join us this Saturday 5/7 for Yale Day of Service - https://t.co/lynzagSsRT https://t.co/wDHl2rkdwg
Event Reminder: Please join us on Saturday 5/7 for Yale Day of Service - https://t.co/UYvrdS2cGL https://t.co/6OyKaTiTd1
April YCOD Newsletter - https://t.co/6siekpsXkX https://t.co/mnyKuap2Ez
Join us on Wednesday to welcome Yale's new admits! - https://t.co/4Fb96hXGfa https://t.co/JZuUfTEk73
March YCOD Newsletter - https://t.co/HUJGfjashV https://t.co/OmdugU9CeX
Yale Day of Service: Playground Refresh https://t.co/TBSqzHlGgg
Lunch with Jerry Hawkins, Executive Director of Dallas Truth, Racial Healing & Transformation https://t.co/UXri9ls9v1
Join us for The Game 2021 at White Rock Ale House!
Join the Yale Club of Dallas for a happy hour event on Thursday, October 28, 2021 at 6pm #BoolaBoola